Lose Weight: Room Temperature & In Heat

According to studies, there is a very specific room temperature that helps the body burn fat.

Losing weight, fat burning and others are not only topics that you deal with almost every day. Science is also interested in the fight against fat. There is now a study on almost every major diet question. The latest finding is that research teams have found that room temperature is linked to fat burning.


Cool temperatures promote fat burning

Turn off the heating and the pounds tumble? Nearly as some studies show. The body needs more energy at cooler temperatures to maintain the natural body temperature of 36 degrees. This means that more fat is burned. Ventilating thoroughly every now and then and exposing yourself to lower temperatures helps with weight loss and is actually very healthy. But that doesn’t mean you have to freeze straight away.

A temperature of around 20 degrees in living rooms and 18 degrees in bedrooms is recommended. Especially in wintry weather, the temperatures at home quickly rise above 20 degrees. Ventilate regularly, because if you heat up a lot, the room air will quickly become very dry, which is anything but good for the skin and mucous membranes. In addition, it has also been proven that you sleep much better in cool bedrooms.

consumer reviews on protetox

Diet: Easier to lose weight in the heat

You probably think the same thing as most people. Because you sweat more when the temperature is high, you lose more fluid and therefore lose weight faster and better. Sounds logical, but it’s not true. As researchers found out in a study that it is not the increased fluid loss that is responsible for the weight loss effect, but increased fluid intake.

It is therefore reasonable to drink lots of water if you want to lose weight with dietary supplements like protetox. This will help you achieve long-term weight loss goals. Read consumer reviews to get the legit product.

The metabolism is stimulated and calories are burned because you drink more when it’s hot. Just half a liter of water can increase the basal metabolic rate by 50 kilograms in people of normal weight. Overweight subjects are also able to increase their energy expenditure by 120 percent by drinking water and burn between ten and 30 additional calories.

Why Vaping is More Eco-Friendly?



Anyone who regularly deals with the topic of vaping and e-cigarettes has certainly heard a lot about the many health advantages compared to conventional cigarettes. Even from a scientific point of view, there is agreement that using e-cigarettes is a great way to quit smoking.


A topic that will certainly interest many smokers and those who want to quit in the future is the question of environmental friendliness. Can the technical equivalent of a cigarette really be more ecological? Is it beneficial to our climate? Why the answer here must definitely be “Yes!” and how much more environmentally friendly vaping really is, we show you in this post.


Smoking and the environment

Smoking is not only a disaster from a health point of view but also bad for the environment. With all the thoughts about the health of smokers, it is often forgotten how the many toxins contained affect the surrounding area. The damage to the environment begins with the cultivation itself.


Tobacco is often grown in monocultures, which must be supported by a large number of chemical substances in order to remain free of pests. In order to create further areas for tobacco cultivation, many hectares of forest are cut down every year, which is at the expense of the local plants and wildlife. But even after the cigarette has been made and finds its way to humans, the damage is not over yet.


Even the most meticulous smoker cannot avoid disposing of a dump outside of a designated collection container from time to time. The toxins from the squeezed cigarette get into the groundwater, are absorbed by animals and plants, and cause great damage. The toxins should not be underestimated and a single cigarette is enough to make up to 50 liters of water inedible and harmful to health.


Of course, air pollution must also be named. Everyone knows the danger of passive smoking and especially vapers try to avoid it in order not to relapse in the end. A hundred million smoked cigarettes a day have a measurable effect on the air we breathe. And in the end, it can only be said in summary that many of the effects of smoking on the environment are simply irreversible.


Some toxic substances can no longer be removed from the water and end up in our drinking water or in the fields and finally in our food.


If you look at the effect of cigarette consumption in its entirety, mindful smoking and the one who meticulously collects every own cigarette can hardly be talked about nicely. The environmental balance can be improved, but of course, the best effect is to quit smoking.



ALSO READ: 10 Ways To Keep Your Make Up In Warm Weather




To capture the exact effect, it makes the most sense to first look at some numbers. Every year, smoking produces no less than 4 billion cigarette butts. Only a fraction of these are disposed of properly and even then the toxic ingredients cannot be completely rendered harmless.


Plastics, toxins, and everything end up in our environment. For this reason alone, vaping cannot be judged in comparison to being ecological and environmentally friendly. Not only is the consumption of e-liquids with the help of e-cigarettes about 95% less harmful than that of cigarettes, but at the same time, you also make your contribution to the preservation of the environment.


However, you can do even more to make vaping more environmentally friendly by keeping the following in mind.


What to do with old batteries?

Recycling is a well-known topic. But very few vapers know that many parts of the e-cigarette can be recycled. This applies above all to most batteries. To dispose of a disused battery properly, you have various options.


On the one hand, you can contact the local waste service provider, who will inform you about nearby disposal stations. But even local electrical dealers or electricians usually have a recycling station or at least know how and where you can dispose of old batteries well so that they can be recycled and do not become a burden on the environment.


Electrical waste in particular can be disposed of correctly very easily and the knowledge of making a contribution to environmental protection makes such behavior even more attractive.



If you have been on the road with an e-cigarette for a long time, you may even have come across one of these silly restrictions. Under the premise of wanting to ensure cleaner air, some places prohibit the use of e-cigarettes in addition to cigarettes.


But the mere suggestion that cigarette smoke and the vapor of an electronic cigarette would be similarly harmful to the environment is devoid of any scientific justification. The comparison and, above all, the same treatment is absolutely unfounded. Studies have shown that the particles in the vapor of an e-cigarette, as soon as they are exhaled, simply dissolve when in contact with the air and do not leave toxic or even carcinogenic smoke, as normal smokers do.


Steam dissolves faster, which is better not only for the air and the earth but also for all bystanders who would otherwise be exposed to the dangers of passive smoking.


So it’s fair to say that vaping is environmentally friendly, especially when you see it compared to regular smoking. If you then also contribute your part and recycle disused parts accordingly, there is nothing to criticize from an ecological point of view.


All those who, in addition to their own health, have been looking for another reason to finally quit smoking, should also be reminded of the environment, which suffers from billions of cigarette butts every year. Every new vaper who quits smoking does his part to make the world a little better.

Facts About The Weather, Health, And Hip Dips?

Weather can impact health. It can be as simple as too hot or cold, exposure to wind, rain or snow, and sun exposure. Also, environmental factors like poor air quality and high exposure to chemicals in the air can affect your health.

Too hot or too cold can make a difference in your health.

The weather is unpredictable throughout the year and we have to change our routines accordingly. People will generally be healthier in the range of 70-80 degrees F. However, we should always avoid temperatures below 70 degrees F because this can lead to health problems such as hypothermia and frostbite. If you’re outside for an extended period of time (more than four hours in below-freezing weather or more than three hours in the summer heat), you’ll need to bring a survival kit that includes water, a way to start a fire, and extra clothing.

Exposure to wind, rain, or snow affects overall health conditions

Air pollution is the leading environmental cause of disease in the United States. The World Health Organization reports that outdoor air pollution kills more than 3 million people a year worldwide. If you are one of the millions afflicted by air pollution, you might be able to reduce your risk by limiting your exposure to wind, rain, and snow. People with asthma are especially vulnerable to air pollution. In fact, the American Lung Association says that air pollution is the leading cause of visits to emergency rooms for people with asthma. If you have asthma, you should try to minimize your exposure to outdoor air pollutants by exercising indoors whenever possible and keeping windows closed on breezy days.

Sun exposure can lead to heat stroke and other forms of the unlikely disease

Heat stroke and other forms of the unlikely disease are some of the many risks that come with sun exposure. There are a lot of ways to avoid this, but most people don’t know about them, and some methods may not be right for all skin types. Limit your time in the sun. Wear sun protection.

Other concerns about health: Hip Dips

While many people are concerned about overall health. There are a few who have questions about hip dips that have gone viral over the internet. Let’s discuss what are hip dips. Why do some people want to get rid of it?

Hip dips are the indentations on the side of a woman’s hip that are most visible from the front. Many women perceive a severe indentation as a cosmetic defect since the ideal woman’s figure has a gentle curve at the hips. You can only rarely fill the indentation.

  • Who gets hip dips and how strong they are, is individual for each person. Men also have hip dents. In men, these are usually less visible because the pelvis is narrower. In addition, hip dents in male figures are not a socially constructed problem.

  • The extent to which you perform hip dips depends on the width of your hip and pelvic bones, the condition of your glutes, and the amount of fat in your body. There are no muscles where the hip dents are. Training muscles is therefore of little use. Women with a predisposition to fat on the buttocks and hips usually have smaller hip dents.

  • If the problem bothers you so much that you want to go under the knife, you can even have the hip dips surgically removed. This is similar to a butt lift operation. Fatty tissue is transplanted to the desired location. However, the operation is not recommended because it is very expensive on the one hand and is associated with health risks on the other.

Read also: Important Facts to Learn from Studies about Growth Hormones

Hip dips – this is how you can use sport against hip dents

Can Hip Dips Be Filled? There is no muscle directly over the hip dip. But around the hip dent. When your glutes are weak, or when you’re training the wrong muscle, the hip dent in your pelvis becomes more visible.

  • To minimize hip dips, work the gluteus maximus. You can achieve this with classic squats, lunges, and donkey kicks. In general, when working your glutes, you should do exercises that involve moving your legs forward or backward.

  • However, avoid any exercise that involves extending the leg to the outside and thereby spreading the legs. These exercises work the middle gluteus muscle, the gluteus medius. When this muscle is heavily exercised, it reinforces hip dips because it makes the hip dent appear bigger.

  • You can make your training even more effective with fitness bands or light weights.

Bottomline: Concerns about health

More and more people are concerned about their health due to the recent pandemic that has caused problems throughout the world. While it’s natural to protect ourselves from harmful diseases be cautious of the weather to strengthen our immune system, we should also be aware of the things that are harmless and what are natural to our body such as the trending hip dips.

Important Facts to Learn from Studies about Growth Hormones

More than 65 years ago, scientists learned of the brain’s pea-sized pituitary gland, its secretion of growth hormones and the stimulants to which it responds. While previous studies showed that exercise can increase growth hormones (GH) secretion, environmental temperatures can affect the release of GH.

Passive heating is considered a potent stimulus for GH release. In contrast, exercise performed at 4°C, a cold temperature, could only result in suppression of growth hormone secretion.

Effect of Temperature on Growth Hormone Secretion

Passive heating by the way refers to heat created by a space heating system that is reliant on solar energy, and using materials like stones, concrete or water, which have large capacities to store and deliver heat.

Apparently, increase in temperature is an accompanying condition to growth hormone secretion. Exercise performed under high heat conditions stimulate sweat secretion that tends to increase the levels of GH secretion. On the other hand, increased heat conditions but with reduced sweat secretion can lead to GH deficiency.

The role played by the neurotransmitters involved in the secretion of growth hormones remains a mystery. Nonetheless, scientists found out from further investigations that a certain gut hormone called ‘ghrelin’ has stimulatory effect on the body’s level of food intakes, far absorption and deposition, as well as release of growth hormones.

About Ghrelin, the Gut-Secreted Growth Hormones

According to studies about ‘ghrelin,’ levels of this gut hormone tend to increase and decrease with the amount and type of food and beverage, including water, taken in by the body. Still, other previous studies focused on the effects of environmental temperature and its effect on the release of the gut hormone ghrelin.

Comparisons were made of ghrelin levels of concentrations at different temperatures during exercise and during rest period. Exercises performed at 36°C and at 25°C showed different levels of ghrelin concentrations, where the higher temperature reduced the gherelin levels. The reduced gherelin level resulting from exercise during the higher 36°C temperature also significantly reduced energy intakes derived from food.

However, the study made no mention about comparison of appetite levels for exercises performed during neutral, cold and warm environmental temperatures. The purpose of the studies was just to compare the appetite-regulating responses of exercise performed under different environmental temperatures.

Conclusion: Several Factors Influence Human Growth Hormone Secretions

In knowing that several factors influence the human body’s capability to secrete growth hormones, it’s easier to understand why physicians prescribe steroids but only under their medical supervision.

Some are inclined to take metandienone a.k.a. methandrostenolone as the best alternative to dbol because they are the most affordable brand of androgen/anabolic steroid medication. Yet the discussion above shows that human growth hormone (HGH) secretion does not respond to protein intakes alone.

Under normal conditions, HGH is released periodically, at some point during stages of sleep and certain times of the day as a result of stimulating physical activities like exercise. Besides, the best use of metandienone if for bodybuilding purposes is during the bulking stage and not as part of the maintenance stage.

Common Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Procedures That May Change Your Life

Plastic surgery is a procedure performed to change one’s physical appearance. It can be used to improve how one looks or how one feels about themselves. Many people choose plastic surgery for cosmetic reasons such as improving an unattractive nose or breast size. Other factors that influence the decision for plastic surgery include social status, body image, and self-esteem.

In the United States, plastic surgery is a growing industry. The number of women who undergo cosmetic plastic surgery in Tampa Fl every year has increased by over 120% since 2003. One of the most prominent reasons for this growth is that plastic surgery has become more accessible and less expensive. Not only are there more options available, but the costs have also been dropping as well, making it easier for people to afford plastic surgeries in their lifetime.

Common Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Procedures

Here are the most common cosmetic plastic surgery procedures that can change your life and lift your self-esteem.

    • Breast augmentation: The most popular procedure in the world. It is estimated that 4 out of 10 women opt for breast augmentation as a request.
    • Liposuction: This surgical treatment can help you remove fat from specific areas of your body like the abdomen, thighs, and hips.
    • Botox: Botox is a toxin that disrupts signals between nerve cells in the brain to stop unwanted muscle contractions. It is used by approximately 10 million people worldwide for different reasons like reducing facial wrinkles, pain relief, and improving speech performance.
    • Injectable fillers: These are used to plump up lines on your face such as nasolabial folds and forehead lines or help enhance your lips with medical-grade hyaluronic acid filler. The high demand for injectable fillers is because they can be customized to meet individual needs because its effects
    • Rhinoplasty: Rhinoplasty, also known as a nose job, is a surgical procedure that reshapes the nose. It is carried out when there is an imperfection in the shape of the nose or when it is not aligned with other facial features.
    • Buttock lift: A buttock lift is a procedure to tighten and lift the buttocks. It can be performed using either an incision or liposuction. These procedures can be done in a hospital, as an outpatient, or even at home.
    • Facial implants or soft tissue augmentation: is a surgical procedure that can be used to enhance a person’s facial profile. It can make the face appear slimmer and more defined by removing excess skin, fat, or tissue from the jawline.
    • Facelift (rhytidectomy): A facelift is a cosmetic surgical procedure where tissue is removed from the face and replaced with a new, healthy layer of tissue. This surgery can be used to undo or reverse the effects of aging. The timing, length, and severity of facelifts are determined by a variety of factors that depend on the surgeon’s preferences as well as an individual’s age, health, and facial structure.

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Controversies of Plastic Surgery

Most of the time, people have used plastic surgery to improve their body’s appearance. However, there are controversies of plastic surgery that surround this topic. In recent years, there has been a rise in surgical procedures to change one’s gender through plastic surgery. There are also controversies over the potential long-term effects of these surgeries that are still unknown and understudied today.

What is the impact of these controversies to the plastic surgery industry?

For decades, plastic surgery has had a significant impact on society. It’s been used by men and women to change their physical appearances, boost self-confidence, and improve their ability to perform at work. However, these concepts are challenged as more research is being done on the positive and negative effects of surgery.

10 Ways To Keep Your Make Up In Warm Weather

Bride putting on make up on a hot summer day


Every woman struggles with it sometimes: how do you keep your make-up neat when it is extremely hot? If the sweat runs along with your temples, it is advisable to adjust your makeup a bit. Want to know how? Aside from opting for microblading (which is an obvious choice for permanent makeup), I have listed 10 tips that will help you keep your makeup beautiful in really hot weather!


Of course, you could choose not to apply any makeup at all, but I also know that’s not always an option. That is also the case with me, even in a heat wave I have make-up on, but then the “heat wave edition”.


1. Extra hydration

During hot days you sweat much more than usual, so you have to keep replenishing your body with moisture: drinking water is a must! But don’t forget to hydrate your skin by using a moisturizing cream or serum.


2. SPF

Chances are that you are outside more when it is hot, even though you may not be sitting or lying directly in the sun. Therefore, always use a product that protects you from the sun, such as sunscreen or day cream with SPF. And did you know that there are also foundations or powders with SPF?! If you go into the sun later, dab a layer of sunscreen over your make-up or wear a large hat! Never go into the sun unprotected!


3. Prep & Prime

On hot days, a primer under my makeup is indispensable for me. It ensures that foundation and/or other make-up stays in place and my skin shines less. I don’t use it all over my face, but in the places where makeup wears off or slips faster, on the T-zone and just next to my nose.


4. Long-lasting, mattifying foundation

I like shiny, rich foundations, but on really hot days I choose a specific long-lasting variant such as the Infallible 24H stay fresh foundation that stays in place even in hot and humid weather. If you have oilier skin, then the Infallible 24H matte foundation is very good, which has an extra matte finish.


5. Mattifying powder

Everyone has parts on the face that shine more than other parts and it is precisely on those shiny spots that you have to apply some mattifying powder with a large brush. Push the powder on the skin and wipe away the excess powder, if you use a good powder you only have to do that once a day.



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6. Finishing powder or bronzer

Working in layers is the best tip for long-lasting makeup in a heat wave, I notice that it is better to use thin layers of different products instead of one thick layer, matte foundation. After some testing, I have noticed that my skin is happy when I use a finishing powder or (not too dark) bronzer. Apply it in an airy layer and it ensures that the make-up stays in place even better!


7. Eyeshadow primer

Even if you do not wear eyeshadow on a hot day, an eyeshadow primer is a good idea, this layer neutralizes the color of the skin around the eyes and ensures that eye pencil and/or eyeliner do not run out. Of course, it also helps to keep eyeshadow in place, even if you start sweating and you won’t see mascara leaks anymore!


8. Water resistant eyeliner & mascara

If you don’t feel like panda eyes, then a waterproof mascara and/or eye pencil is a must on hot days. The Volum Million Lashes waterproof is really waterproof and yet easy to remove with lukewarm water and a make-up remover.


9. Long-lasting lipstick

Bright lipstick is beautiful in summer, but the well-known shiny lipsticks sometimes do not last as long as you would like. Fortunately, there are the Infallible liquid lipsticks that you apply in two steps, step 1 provides an intense, matte color that lasts all day and step 2 gives extra comfort and care. No matter how many cocktails you drink, no matter how many holiday sweethearts you kiss…your lipstick will be good all day long!


10th Setting Spray

Are you completely done with your makeup? Then the very last step is to use a fixation spray that will keep your makeup beautiful even longer. If you put such a spray in the refrigerator, it also feels extra fresh. You can use the spray several times a day, blissful when it is really hot!



Reduce Stress And Anxiety With Positive Psychic Readings

Are you feeling you are in bad weather? Do you feel stressed? Are worried about your job, your health, or your family’s well-being despite being constantly cautious? Consider getting a positive psychic reading to give you clarity and some peace of mind.

What is a Positive Psychic Reading and its Benefits?

Psychic reading is a session where the psychic (or tarot card reader) will read your energy and provide you with insight into your life. A positive Psychic Reading is a reading that provides insight and answers to questions about the future but does not predict all of the negative events that may happen.

A psychic reading can help you to see the bigger picture in your life and what steps you need to take to achieve success. A good psychic reading can help give you clarity on what your next steps should be and how to navigate through difficult times.

  • A positive psychic reading can help you find peace and clarity in your life. It can also be an opportunity to learn more about yourself and your past.
  • A positive psychic reading can provide a sense of relief and closure that you may have been looking for.
  • Many people find that a positive psychic reading helps them with their personal development, as well as their meditation techniques.

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Find a Genuine Psychic Reader to Initiate that Positivity into Your Life

There are many ways to find a genuine psychic reader. But, the best way is to ask around in your social circles and see which readers they use and recommend. Another way is to read psychic reader reviews. Some great psychic readers to start with are- Joyce Meyer- Pamela Voorhees- Rickie DeSouza – Carole Cusumano.

How do you know a psychic reader is genuine?

Sometimes reading body language is not enough to know if somebody is deceptive or telling the truth. You can read people better by looking at their hands and feet. People who are trying to deceive or mislead you will often look away, move their feet and wring their hands in a subconscious way. They might also cross their arms over their chest which is called the “self-hug.”

To know if a psychic reader is genuine, look into the method they use to to give you proper reading. Psychic readers often use intuition and clairvoyance, which are similar to each other in that they can both perceive information with the mind. Clairvoyance is a form of telepathy or remote viewing, while intuition is simply the ability to make better decisions without consciously analyzing them. Another way is through tarot readings.

Conclusion: Start Living More Mindfully by Utilizing the Power of Positive Psychic Readings

There are a lot of different types of readings out there, so it’s important to do your research before you decide to get one. Once you find the type of reading that you want, make sure that the person giving it has a good reputation for their work and for being professional.

In the end, it’s up to you whether or not you want to take what they say as truth or not. You can’t believe everything that people say just because they have experience in this field – but if you’re looking for guidance and support from someone who has already been through what you’re going through then a psychic reading

Traditional Chinese Medicine: Acupuncture and Cold Treatments

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is a group of practices that includes herbal medicine, acupuncture, and tai chi. TCM is considered one form of integrative medicine because it blends Western and Eastern medical practices.

Acupuncture is a type of Traditional Chinese Medicine therapy that involves the insertion of very thin needles (Acupuncture Needles) into the body. There are many different types of acupuncture treatments and the number of needles used in treatment depends on the condition being treated. Sessions of acupuncture are usually short, lasting between 15 and 45 minutes.

Acupuncture has been used as a treatment for pain, allergies, gastrointestinal diseases, hypertension, and stress. It is also often used to treat conditions like seizures, infertility, nausea, and vomiting in labor. Acupuncture is not only provided by Chinese doctors but also by U.S.-trained acupuncturists who are considered experts in the field of acupuncture.

The acupuncture technique used is most often the insertion of acupuncture needles at specific points on the body. There are many types of acupuncture that can be helpful in a variety of different ways, including applied moxibustion, cupping therapy, electro-acupuncture, and herbal medicine.

Can Acupuncture Help Fight Colds?

Acupuncture has been shown in studies to reduce the duration and severity of colds. Acupuncture is also a great alternative for those who don’t want to use medications or antibiotics. Acupuncture can be helpful in fighting colds because it stimulates the immune system and helps fight off infection more quickly. It can also help with the symptoms of a cold like congestion, headache, fever, and aches.

Acupuncture has been shown to stimulate the immune system and help fight off viruses, such as colds. It also reduces inflammation, which may help decrease the severity of symptoms. Acupuncture can also be used for pain relief during a cold or to help people relax during their sick days.

Read also: How Tea Boosts the Immune System

How do You Know if you Have a Cold or the Flu?

The common cold and the flu are two different types of respiratory illnesses, but it can be hard to tell the difference between them. The symptoms are similar, but there are some key differences that can help you figure out which illness you have.

If you have a cold, your symptoms will usually appear within 10 days of being around someone who has a cold. Flu symptoms usually show up within 1-3 days after being around someone who has the flu.

People with colds often feel as if they’re coming down with something for about 2 or 3 days before their symptoms get worse. People with the flu will typically have a fever, cough or sore throat before their other symptoms start to come on strong.

The common cold and the flu are two different illnesses. Antibiotics will not help you if you have a cold.

A cold is caused by viruses and antibiotics do not work on viruses. The flu is caused by a virus and antibiotics can help to fight the infection that causes the flu. If you are unsure, ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice.

How Tea Boosts the Immune System

Frequent changes in weather and exposure to severe hot or cold climates can make one sick. We all know that being sick is no fun, but did you also know that there are many things you can do yourself to strengthen your immune system and maintain your resistance in a natural way?

Drinking tea is a daily habit for many people. It has been around for thousands of years and is widely consumed across the world. Tea has health benefits that include cancer prevention and weight loss.

There are many types of tea. The most common is the tea made from the leaves of the plant Camellia sinensis, which are dried, fermented, and then heated to produce the drink.

Tea is the best way to boost the immune system because it is made of various herbs that are proven to help the body become healthy.

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Tea and Supplements Help Boost the Immune System

One of the best ways to make your immune system stronger is to take supplements. There are many supplements that can help your body fight off infections and diseases.

Among these supplements, Tea Burn, a powder formula added to tea is among the supplements you can use to boost metabolism and your immune system as a whole.

How Tea Can Reduce Inflammation in Your Body

There are many benefits of drinking tea. It can reduce inflammation in your body, improve your digestion, and strengthen your immune system.

There are a lot of ways to make tea. You can use loose leaf tea or a bag of tea leaves or even a teapot. The type of tea you drink is up to you, but try out different types and see what works for you.

If you want to learn more about the anti-inflammatory properties of tea then check out this infographic from Inflammation Research where they talk about the science behind it all!

What Are The Best Types of Tea for a Healthy Immune System?

Tea is known for its many health benefits. It can help you relax, reduce stress, and improve your mood. It can also boost your immune system and keep you healthy.

There are many types of tea that can be used to help you improve your immune system. Matcha green tea is a type of green tea that has been shown to have many benefits for the body.

Matcha green tea is considered one of the healthiest teas because it contains high levels of antioxidants and nutrients that promote overall wellness.

Matcha green tea is made by grinding the entire leaf of a plant called Camellia sinensis. The whole leaf contains many nutrients, which are then released into the water while they are being ground.

When you make matcha green tea, you extract essences and nutrients from the leaves rather than just steeping them in hot water like other teas.

What Are The Best Herbs for a Healthy Immune System?

There are many herbs that can help boost your immune system. Here are some of the best herbs for a healthy immune system.

  • Astragalus: It is a traditional Chinese herb used to strengthen the lungs, kidneys, and liver. Astragalus is also known as “Huang Qi” in China which means “yellow goat’s horn.”
  • Echinacea: It is an herb with antioxidant properties that have been used for centuries to prevent and treat colds, flu, and other viral infections.
  • Goldenseal: It is a potent immune system stimulant and has been used for centuries to treat colds and other lung infections.
  • Lion’s Mane: A mushroom that helps protect the brain, it is traditionally thought to help increase long-term memory, concentration, and mental performance.
  • Maitake D-Fraction: This mushroom is known as the “mother of all mushrooms” and is often referred to as the “Hen of the Woods.” It has been used for centuries to treat fever, strengthen the blood, increase athletic performance and boost mood.
  • Saw palmetto: This plant contains fatty acids that may help reduce hair loss in women.
  • Turmeric: It is an herb with a long history of usage in Asian traditional medicines for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and analgesic properties.
  • Grape Seed Extract: This plant extract is a natural source of antioxidants. It has been used for centuries in Chinese traditional medicines to treat rheumatism, eczema, and several inflammatory diseases.

With the virus imbalances caused by the pandemic, it’s even more important to pay attention to your immune system. Start boosting your immune system by drinking a daily dose of tea made of natural herbs.

Are Perfume Fragrances Affected by Seasonal Changes?

Choosing a perfume is typically a personal decision on what a user believes is the pleasing signature scent by which his or her presence will be recognized. Yet the idea might not always hold true. Fragrance experts involved in the actual designing or formulation of fragrances explain that certain conditions can cause changes, not to the perfume itself but to the person wearing a particular fragrance.

Take note that a properly stored perfume in a bottle smells exactly the same, in whatever part of the world it stays. Any change in smell may occur when the perfume is worn by the user in a geographical location with a different climate or temperature.

Due to changes in skin reactions as a result of seasonal  changes, the fragrance of the perfume worn will also change. Fragrance designers explain such changes as occurring in the fragrance notes making up the composition of a perfume.

What Exactly are Fragrance Notes?

A reference to fragrance note would mean the different layers of scent formulation making up the final fragrance of a perfume. Perfumers combine the top, the heart and the base layers of fragrance concoctions to arrive on what is decided as the most pleasing and attractive perfume scent.

Once a user dabs perfume on the skin while in a cold weather, a colder body temperature and the denser air, will allow the skin to absorb the fragrance notes before the perfume’s carrier substance evaporates.

As opposed to applying the perfume on the skin in a warm location, a warmer skin temperature will be quick to dissipate the fragrance layers. More so on skin types that are quick to sweat, which adds a layer of sweat to the fragrance notes absorbed by the skin.

Picking The Right Kind of Perfume for the Right Season or Location

If you are simply looking for a kind of perfume that has longer lasting power, the more practical choice is a Eau de Parfum over the Eau de Toilette or Eau de Cologne. Fragrance formulas can be a mixture of fragrance chemicals combined with water, alcohol or scented oils.
Eau de parfums contain higher levels of scented oils, which make the fragrance notes more stable and the overall fragrance a lot stronger; whilst taking longer to evaporate from the skin into air. .

While a Concentrate is the strongest variant, which of course, is more expensive because the fragrance composition and perfume content will cost more.

What most perfume adicionados do is wear a perfume with floral or citrusy scent during spring or summer. During fall or winter, when the air is colder and heavier with moisture, they shift to using perfumes with woodier or spicier layers.

As an aside, we recommend Xerjoff’s unique fragrances that combine scents of essential oil with citrus and musk components. Checkout the erba pura xerjoff formulated by perfumer Christian Carbonnel, who used orange, vanilla, bergamot, amber and musk to come up with a fruity oritental-like scent that can be worn by both men and women.

Corticosteroids vs Anabolic Steroids | Alternative To Steroids in the Fitness Field

What are Steroids, Why are They Bad For You, and Which Are the Best Alternatives?

Steroids are synthetic versions of hormones that help increase muscle mass and strength. They are used by athletes to improve performance and give them an edge in competition. Steroids have been banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency because they can lead to serious side effects such as heart problems, liver damage, and even death.

Anabolic steroids Canada are available online. If you plan to make a purchase, you have to be aware of the risks involved. Consult your doctor before using any type of these substances.

Steroids are bad for you because they can cause serious side effects like heart problems, liver damage, and even death. The best alternatives are natural supplements that don’t have any side effects like creatine or HGH.

The Difference Between Good and Bad Steroids | Corticosteroids vs Anabolic Steroids

Corticosteroids are a class of medications that are commonly used to treat inflammation. They target the body’s immune system and suppress the inflammatory response. Anabolic steroids, on the other hand, are substances that increase muscle mass and strength. They work in different ways but both can be dangerous when abused by athletes or people looking to build muscle mass.

  • Corticosteroids in the medical field. Steroids have been an integral part of the medical field since the late nineteenth century. In recent years, they have become increasingly popular as a tool for both physical therapy and medical treatment. They are most commonly used to treat connective tissue disorders such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and others.

  • Anabolic Steroids in the fitness industry. Steroids have been a part of the fitness industry for decades. They are one of the most popular supplements in the world and have been used by athletes and bodybuilders to increase their muscle mass, build endurance, and reduce recovery time.

Unfortunately, steroids are also highly addictive drugs that can cause serious side effects such as heart disease, high blood pressure, liver damage, and infertility.

The Best Steroid Alternatives: While there are many different types of steroid alternatives on the market today such as creatine or whey protein supplements, they still lack some key ingredients that steroids provide like anabolic properties.

Read also: The Natural Responsibility of the Supplement Industry to Protect the Environment

Substitute for Steroids – Are there even any substitutes?

The use of steroids in bodybuilding is controversial. Some people say that using them is a form of cheating, while others argue that steroids are not only just for bodybuilding, but for any sport.

What is the right way to use these substances? The answer depends on your goals and what you want to achieve with your training. It also depends on the type of steroid you are taking.

The best way to get a good steroid substitute for bodybuilding is by taking a supplement that has been clinically tested and approved by the FDA.

Which Are the Best Substitutes for Prohormones?

Some prohormones are banned in the US and other countries. This is because they have side effects like causing over-growth of facial hair, acne, and breast tissue. So it is important to find a substitute that does not have these side effects.

There are many prohormone alternatives available for people who want to use them without the side effects. Some of these substitutes include:

Testosterone boosters: These supplements increase testosterone levels in your body without having any negative side effects. They can be taken orally or injected into your body.

Growth hormone boosters: These supplements are taken by people who have low levels of growth hormone in their bodies as well as those who want to build muscle mass quickly and safely. They contain natural ingredients like amino acids and vitamins that help

How the Winter Season Helps You Lose Weight

Man stretching under the summer sun



While the run-up to Christmas isn’t usually viewed because the best time for weight loss, it’s been speculated that turning down the heating could help people change state. So will we burn more calories when it’s cold and is ‘brown fat’ ought to have the hype?


If you are looking to slim, you’re probably acquainted with the basics: eat less and move more. A diet, limiting alcohol intake, and keeping active is key to weight loss, and this ‘calories in vs calories out’ formula will help many of us shed the pounds reliably.


Brown fat

You might have heard the strange-sounding theory that exposure to the cold can help with weight loss. As the theory goes, cold exposure activates a sort of fat in our bodies, called brown fat. This mysterious substance acts as a thermal engine, generating more heat and burning more calories than the other body tissue.


The notion that brown fat was confined to babies is what scientists thought for many years. Newborn babies are very susceptible to the cold, and their brown fat deposits, which structure about 5% of their weight, are nature’s way of protecting them from hypothermia.


As we mature, we lose most of our brown fat. What makes our jeans feel tight is ‘white fat’ that sits beneath our skin. However, within the late 2000s researchers confirmed the presence of brown fat in adults, albeit in small quantities and strange locations – it’s often found within the neck and shoulders, within the chest, or down the spine.


Professor Paul Trayhurn, an obesity expert at the University of Liverpool, says that “We know that brown fat is present and active in adult humans. It is a smaller amount active in those that are obese. Its activity falls with age. It helps to stay newborns warm, and can make a little contribution to heat production in adults.”


What does the science say about brown fat?

One of the foremost exciting parts of this discovery was the potential link with weight loss. For one thing, people with more brown fat tend to possess lower overall body fat, although it is not necessarily clear what causes what. for an additional thing, brown fat is understood to torch calories, burning energy over and over the speed of white fat.


There are other potential health benefits too. Brown fat could help stabilize glucose and interact with gut hormones to assist the body know when it’s full.


As for where cold temperatures are available, a variety of studies has found that spending time within the cold can make our brown fat more active. In one 2012 study, volunteers wore a chilly suit that reduced their temperature slightly. They burned an additional 250 calories over a three-hour period, despite the very fact they weren’t cold enough to shiver.



ALSO READ: How does Climate affects Human Health?



About the mechanism responsible, researchers at the University of Nottingham discovered something in 2018.


Turning down the thermostat should theoretically raise your brown fat levels, which should successively burn more calories.


The chairman of the National Obesity Forum, Tam Fry, says “To varying degrees, it’s been found in adults, although it was once thought that only infants had it naturally to stay warm and alive in prehistoric caves. The newest theory suggests that a rise in the conversion of ‘bad’ white fat to ‘good’ brown fat may well be genetically engineered and cause a true reduction in obesity.” This also makes Exipure, which helps convert white fat to brown fat, very effective. You should check out Exipure reviews from customer to get a glimpse of how good this product is.


To lose weight, should you turn down the heating?

However, this does not mean you must sideline your exercise program in favor of cold showers. there’s plenty we do not realize brown fat, and lots more research is required. On top of that, it is simple to offset any additional calories burned, as you will likely feel hungrier.


As a weight-loss strategy, Professor Trayhurn says he wouldn’t recommend cold exposure. While he considered the chance himself as early as the 1980s, he describes it as ‘fraught with concerns.’


In years to come back, we might even see drugs designed to spice up brown fat activity, harnessing its benefits with no need to brave the cold. However, whether these approaches “are within the realms of the practicable, “Trayhurn isn’t sure – and it probably won’t happen for ages if anything does happen.


It’s also important to say that deliberately making yourself cold isn’t a decent idea for lots of individuals. Especially in older and more vulnerable people, the chance of hypothermia shouldn’t be understated. For now, it’s going to be best to stay to tried-and-tested modes of weight loss.


“For the nonce – and definitely with an icy winter forecast – increasing your exercise and eating fewer calories might produce the identical result and plenty more pleasantly.”



Research Studies Reveal How Brown Fat Can Be Harnessed to Promote Weight Loss

A study published in Nature Journal in March 2018 revealed that the human body has a natural tendency to burn extra calories when exposed to a colder temperature. These findings were reiterated by newer research published in April 2021 in Nature Metabolism, which established that calorie-burning activities are initiated by the body’s brown fat tissues.

Both findings suggest that brown fat cells can be harnessed to promote fat-burning processes that will help reduce the excess white fats in overweight and obese individuals.

The 2018 study suggests exposing the body to colder temperatures to simulate conditions that induce the calorie-burning activities of brown fat. The problem though is that the body has limited capability to produce brown fats.

Ordinarily, brown adipose tissues (BAT) are found mostly in the nape and shoulder areas, and in small spaces inside muscle tissues. According to the study, brown fats in adults merely rev up metabolism that will initiate the distribution of nutrients and the production of energy to keep the body warm.

Recruitable Stem and White Cells that Can Boost Production of Brown Fat Cells

Further research revealed that when given the right conditions, stem cells and even white fat cells can be recruited or converted into becoming brown fat cells. These findings gave rise to the concept that if the body’s recruitable white fat cells can be converted into brown fat cells, the conversion will reduce the accumulations of stored white fats that tend to increase the body mass index.

As it is, overweight and obese adults have mostly inert energy stored in white fat tissues (WAT), oftentimes surrounding most of the body organs, especially in the belly area where there are no active brown fat cells. That is why the body cannot withstand extreme or prolonged cold temperatures without external protection, as there are not enough brown body fats available to naturally insulate and protect the entire body against freezing temperatures.

Nevertheless, the realization that there is no pre-programmed mechanism that the body follows in the production of brown fat cells, gave rise to the idea of focusing on brown fat production in the development of weight loss medications. However, the formulations of such treatment must carefully develop the right blend that will not result to excessive internal body heat.

Exipure Provides Example of Weight Loss Using the Brown Fat Boost Method

Actually, a nascent weight loss supplement called Exipure, which came out last October 2021, has been gaining positive reviews. As explained by the Exipure website, the weight loss formulation is focused on boosting the production of brown fat cells. Now it seems that the developers have come up with the right balance of certain organic and exotic ingredients in promoting metabolism that includes increased production of brown fat cells in different parts of the body.

As a matter of fact, the company is quite confident of the exipure formulation created by Drs. Lam, James Wilkins, and Jack Barrett, there is a 180-day Money Back Guarantee offer on the table. However, consumers must buy Exipure only from the manufacturer’s website as the company does not sell its product in other online stores.


The Need for Dental Clinics to Shift to Sustainable Dental Practice and Procedures

Going green in dentistry is not just a trend or fad, as businesses have to shift to sustainable methods to make the planet more livable for future generations. A few think of it as an impossible task because there are too many requirements to be considered as green; let alone be certified as one.

Sustainability is a must in order for future generations to still have enough natural resources to support the ecosystems that make the planet sustainably livable. Generally and globally however, there is still no concrete plan on how sustainability should be implemented in dental offices and oral health clinics.

Understanding the Significance of Green Dentistry to the Climate Change Movement

Various industries play significant roles in helping prevent the worsening effects of climate change. Everyone must cooperate to reverse the damage caused by the long-term collective exploitation of the planet. The FDI World Dental Federation has been encouraging dental professionals to recognize their ethical responsibility to reduce the carbon footprint and wastes being contributed by their profession.

When looking at the dental industry’s statistics regarding carbon footprint, most of it pertains to the travels made by patients and staff, to and from the clinic. In England, more than 60% of dental carbon footprint is because of travel, while energy consumption comes next by 14% to 21%, and procurement comes last at 19%. A Scotland-based study discovered that staff and patient travel going back and forth to dental offices contribute 45.1% of CO2 emissions.

A Closer Look at Western Australia’s Shift to Green Dentistry

In Western Australia, only a few dentists in Perth have started applying methods and practices that shift to green dentistry. Also known as eco-dentistry, the practice is expected to benefits both the Western Australian environment and dental patients. Yet as of now, there is still no official governing body in charge of certifying whether the green dental clinics truly meet eco-friendly standards.

AU Dental Association sustainability spokesperson Prof. Neil Hewson recommended that clinics self-regulate but refer to resources provided by their respective local associations.

About Western Australia’s Green Dentistry

Green dentistry utilizes modern technology in reducing the negative impact of dentistry on the environment. The approach is based on a service model that supports and aids the patient’s wellness. Especially since it assists in providing non-toxic options for materials used on dental implants western Australia offer as top dental services.

Eco-dentists in Perth have already transitioned to digital technology, which means all information regarding their patients are stored in computers. Moreover, dental clinics are trying to recycle whatever they can in their practice.

Most important of all are the products that produce mercury wastes. There are procedures amalgam segregators that will ensure such wastes will not become wastewater runoffs that will spread to the nearby sources of potable water.

Green dentistry makes sure that every process is modified to make sure every aspect of the dental treatments and procedures will have have the lowest possible environmental impact.
There are a lot of ways to contribute in sustainability no matter how small it is. In fact, starting small is a great way to initiate changes that aim to achieve long-term shift to practices that would result to a better and greener planet.

Belly Burner: Climate Change and Health

A warmer world is hard on the body. The more frequent heat waves it brings is a health hazard. Climate change also brings more pollen and more mosquitoes which can be harmful to your health.

Belly Burner: Food security at risk during climate change

Scientists have tried to estimate how strong the rise in temperature can be so that humanity can still cope to some extent. If global warming is limited to 1.5 to 2 degrees Celsius, the consequences will be serious. But with a bit of luck and effort, they may still be manageable. If the earth warms up more, however, they increase massively.

Outback belly burner reviews consumer reports

Above three degrees, scientists estimate, a successful adaptation of human civilization to the conditions is rather unlikely. In the Paris Climate Agreement of 2015, the states agreed to limit global warming to well below 2, if possible 1.5 degrees. But even if all countries fulfil their previous commitments, this would still lead to a warming of three degrees.

You can’t keep your health on an overheated planet with more and more droughts, floods, storms and forest fires, collapsing ecosystems and bad harvests.  Reading Outback belly burner reviews consumer reports can help you overcome the effects of climate change.

Outback belly burner reviews consumer reports: How heat affects health

Brain: The risk of stroke increases, the ability to concentrate deteriorates. Aggression and the willingness to use violence increase.

Lungs: The risk of respiratory diseases, worsening chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma attacks increases.

Heart: The cardiovascular system is under heavy strain, the risk of a heart attack is greater.

Kidneys: The risk of kidney disease and insufficiency increases.

Pregnancy: The risk of premature birth, low birth weight or infant death increases.

Outback belly burner reviews consumer reports: Climate protection is a health protection

So what to do so that the planet and the people on it don’t get even sicker? Protecting the health of future generations requires taking better care of the earth and its natural systems. If you do something for your health, you also help the climate and vice versa.

In order to prevent a hot period, every individual should reconsider their consumption. Above all, however, politicians must change the structures so that environmentally friendly behavior becomes easier.

If you switch from your car to your bike for distances of less than ten kilometres, you save the environment 3.2 kilograms of carbon dioxide every day. At the same time, people who cycle regularly reduce their risk of dying from a heart attack or stroke by 24 percent. Cycling reduces the risk of dying from cancer by 16 percent.

The Need to Detoxify when Monsoons Arrive with Seasonal Changes

As the monsoon winds arrive after a hot summer, a cooler season is up next with its cloudy weather, daily rain, and high risk of contracting various illnesses. People are prone to diseases during this time, as the season brings viruses and bacteria that weaken the immune and digestive system. One way to lessen the risk of catching illnesses during this weather conditions is by detoxification.

Understanding Detoxification and Why You Need It

Detoxification refers to cleaning your body internally by expelling toxins and revitalizing the body with a nutrient-rich diet. Not only is this approach more affordable, protecting yourself against illnesses equates to saving money, which also encourages you stay healthy.

An individual is in need of a body detoxification when he or she feels under the weather, whilst showing symptoms like skin problems, puffy-eyes, body aches, and malfunctioning digestive system. It is recommended that detoxification should be done annually, although it would be best to consult a medical professional first. That way, you will be properly guided on how long your detoxification should last; let’s say for about a week or even a month.


It’a different story altogether if a person is undergoing detoxification for the removal of unhealthy substances to which that person has been addicted. The history of the addiction, or dependence on a substance, will provide the basis on how long it will take to remove all toxins from the body, since the degree of addiction or dependence varies with each person.

In Arizona, specifically if in a detox center Phoenix az, the patient undergoing rehabilitation will also need nutrients to help the body recover from the withdrawal symptoms. Depending on how long the patient has been opioid dependent, withdrawal occurs as soon as the intakes stop or reduced,

Food to Eat And to Avoid When Detoxifying

  • Successfully detoxifying your body means that you accomplished removing addictive substances from your life such as cigarettes, alcohol, tobacco, or drugs. Detoxification revolves around what you specifically eat in a day, which means you need to avoid unhealthy food preps like:
  • Fried food;
  • Food with refined sugar;
  • Food with saturated fats;
  • Processed food;
  • Dairy products; Chocolates and soft driks; and
  • Eggs.

Still, the aforementioned food items can be eaten once in a while to consume in moderation. Replace them with the following healthy food items instead; being low in carbohydrates and fat, as well as loaded with protein:

  • Dried fruits;
  • Fresh fruits;
  • Salad;
  • Whole grain wheat;
  • Food filled with antioxidants;
  • Green vegetables;
  • Beans and legumes; and
  • Brown or white rice.

Oral Health During The Colder Weather

Why does cold weather hurt and how untreated teeth can cause sinusitis? Autumn and winter weather are typical times for the start of flu epidemics, and all types of acute respiratory virus infections and sinusitis frequently strike us precisely in the cold and rainy season, or any time there is a drop in temperature. But how do our teeth react to this?

Low temperatures lead to cracks in the enamel

It is a well-known fact: polar explorers who studied the Arctic and the Antarctic often did not just crack their teeth from the cold, but explode right in their mouths. The reason lies in very low temperatures, which cause destruction of the enamel of the teeth. Of course, residents of modern cities are not exposed to such extreme temperatures, but the cold can indeed damage their teeth.

If you have a habit of going out of a warm room to the street to smoke, or you regularly eat both very hot and very cold foods, then cracks appear on the enamel. There is also such a phenomenon as aching teeth due to cold. It occurs if the teeth and gums are very sensitive: after breathing cold air for a long time or talking on the street, toothache or even pain in the gums may appear. For those who just had a successful procedure with Dental Implants Phoenix, the cold weather can still cause pain around the tooth area although this can go away in time.

There are two ways to protect your teeth from this. First, give up the combination of hot and cold food. Avoid the cold getting into your mouth, try to talk as little as possible in the cold. Secondly, do not forget about insulation: wear a scarf covering your cheeks, raise the collar of outerwear, wear jackets or coats with deep hoods.

Influenza and SARS can cause toothache

But the cold weather is dangerous not only for aching teeth. SARS and flu are frequent companions of winter and frost. These diseases can also cause toothache. The fact is that any inflammatory processes primarily affect the body’s immunity. During massive outbreaks of viral diseases, it decreases. As a rule, if the teeth hurt at the onset of the disease, then a certain inflammatory process is already taking place in them. When the immune system is at the proper level, it stabilizes this process, and inflammation in the teeth does not actively develop. The infection that was present in them was controlled in a healthy state of the body since macrophages destroyed some of the pathogenic microorganisms. But with a decrease in immunity due to influenza or SARS, the body can no longer maintain the normal condition of the teeth. Sluggish inflammatory processes are exacerbated, and the patient suddenly begins to have a toothache. That is, this problem existed before but was imperceptible.

Antibiotics don’t harm your teeth

Many patients refuse to take antibiotics for fear of the side effects of these drugs. But antibiotics are harmless to teeth – they reduce inflammation, as these are substances that kill microbes that have entered our body. Therefore, taking antibiotics prescribed by a doctor for the treatment of colds or sinusitis can in no way cause toothache, but rather, on the contrary, will soften it, especially if bacteria that cause caries and pulpitis get into the spectrum of action of these antibiotics.

Some Common Insurance Types Like Health Insurance (Medicare Advantage For Seniors) And How Climate Change Affects Insurance Policies

The untoward may take place at any time in one’s life, incidents that can bring about financial turmoil on you and your family. This financial instability will not only affect numerous aspects of your present life and situation, but your future as well. If the untoward does happen, being insured can make a difference.

Some Common Insurance Types

Insurance can shield you from unexpected expenditures such as health care and medical costs. Although most people are aware of the importance of an insurance, not all are familiar with the various insurance types and how they could be very helpful. Some of the common insurance types include Health Insurance, Home Insurance, and Life Insurance.

Health Insurance Plans – Medicare Advantage

Whether it is something expected or unexpected, a Health Insurance covers all or a percentage of the costs of medical, surgical, and health care expenses, including routine visits to the doctor, medications, serious surgeries, as well as emergency stays. For people who are uninsured and can’t manage to pay for the out-of-pocket costs, these expenditures quickly build-up and lead towards massive debts.

Everyone needs to have a health insurance. Medicare Advantage, for instance, is a kind of health insurance offered by private insurance companies that are in contract with Medicare, a health insurance program by the U.S. federal government that funds healthcare services. The program is offered to individuals who are 65 years old or older as well as younger individuals with disabilities or particular medical conditions.

Medicare Advantage, also identified as “Part C”, is another possibility for qualified individuals to get their Medicare Part A (hospitalization) and Part B (medical services) coverage. Furthermore, Medicare Advantage plans also offer coverage for services that aren’t covered by the Original Medicare such as prescription drugs, transportation costs for doctor visits, some dental, hearing, and vision services, and membership to health and wellness programs.

Life Insurance Plans

Life Insurance Plans provides financial protection to people who dependent on you financially, like your spouse, your children, or your parents, in the event of your demise. This type of insurance should be a priority in your insurance plans for your dependents to avoid financial adversities and not burden them with unexpected expenses that you’ve left behind. Your burial cost, for instance.

Homeowners Insurance Plans

A Homeowners Insurance Plan provides coverage for the house that you are residing in as well as any structures associated to it, like a garage, balcony or a porch. Homeowners and landlords need to have this insurance as you can make use of it to maintain your home, keep value of the property high, and can also provide coverage for major damage, such as floods and house fire.

Climate Change – How It Affects Insurance Policies

Life happens every day, and when it does, you want to make certain you are covered. It is inevitable to encounter losses in life, and the level on how these losses would have an effect on our lives differs. Regardless, insurance plans can help minimize the impacts of these losses by means of providing monetary benefits for the losses that are covered by the insurance.

Insurance plans offered by different providers would have varied coverage and cost. When it comes to costs, there are a lot of factors that can affect policies and drive up costs. Today, climate change is one.

Drought, heavy rains, tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, and intensifying wildfires are brought about by climate change. Natural calamities could damage properties, like homes, automobiles, crops, and businesses, resulting in the rise in the number as well as the gravity of insurance claims.

On account of this, insurance companies in some areas of the country have ceased to offer certain kinds of insurance coverage. Furthermore, many insurance providers have put a limit to the types of insurance coverage that they offer. Because of this, it too causes insurance premiums to increase, which are frequently too costly for consumers. So, some consumers purchase insurance policies that they can afford but don’t provide the coverage that they require, whereas others just leave out getting an insurance.

Apart from it being a casualty and property concern, climate change can also have an effect on the health of consumers. Increasing and intensifying wildfires can cause poor air quality affecting all that it reaches. Poor air quality can trigger more medical and health conditions, resulting in the rise of health insurance claims.

How To Treat Colds With Traditional Chinese Medicine (Acupuncture)

During the cold season, many people get the flu and colds. But there are always ways to prevent it. If one has already acquired it, there’s always a natural treatment for it. From the perspective of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), colds are mostly caused by the penetration of “wind” and “cold”. This post focuses on How to get colds under control with the natural treatment methods of TCM.

Read also: How the weather affects our health.

In TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), the life force Qi in the body is of great importance. Qi should flow harmoniously in the body, then we are healthy and mentally balanced. Different types of Qi with different tasks are described.

Defense Qi plays a crucial role in colds

The “defense Qi” circulates in the skin and opens or closes our pores. When cold penetrates from outside, the harmonious flow of qi is initially blocked on the body surface and the pores close in the initial stage. Symptoms of the onset of a cold include shivering, aversion to the cold or wind, and sore throat.

In the further course of a cold, the cold or the wind can penetrate deeper into the body and block the flow of Qi in the acupuncture channels and also in the internal organs. The blockage creates heat. Symptoms at this stage are high fever, body aches, great thirst, a red throat, and possibly a red face.

Self-treatment of an incipient cold according to TCM

Basically, the treatment of colds is difficult because the disorder pattern changes very quickly. You should start therapy as early as possible. Then the chances are good that the cold won’t set in. Therapy suggestions for the initial stage of a cold:

Nutrition / herbal therapy

Ginger tea against the internal cold. Fresh ginger (Sheng Jiang) is a root that has a firm place in both Chinese nutritional therapy and herbal medicine. Ginger is warm and hot. With its warmth, it drives away the cold and the sharpness opens the skin pores again. In this way, “cold” and “wind” can be driven away. Preparation: Cut 3-4 slices from a ginger root and cook them in a saucepan with approx. 300 ml water for 10 minutes. If the tea is too hot, you can add a teaspoon of honey.


With acupressure, as with acupuncture one can influence the harmonious flow of Qi in the channels. While acupuncture needles are pierced into defined points, in acupressure these areas are massaged with the finger for about a minute with gentle circular movements.

The acupressure point Di 4 (Di stands for the large intestine, this is the name of the acupuncture pathway) is on the hand on half of the bisector between the metacarpal bones of the thumb and forefinger in the muscles. The best thing to do is to knead the point with two fingers in the pincer grip from above and below. This point helps in the removal of cold and wind.

The point Gb 20 (Gb stands for gallbladder) is also an important acupressure point for the early stages of a cold. It is located on the head just below the occipital scale in the lateral posterior dimple. You can gently massage this point with both index fingers at the same time. Usually, this point is also sensitive. He drives away the wind.

Prevent Colds from Occurring

Ultimately, prevention is still better than cure. This is how you prevent colds. Rest helps recovery and prevents further illness. In TCM, a harmonious way of life is the most important building block for staying healthy. The emperor’s previous doctors were paid if the emperor remained healthy.

Sleep and nutrition: One of the pillars is getting enough sleep. It depends on sleep before midnight. From the perspective of TCM, this is the time when the best regeneration takes place. You should also pay attention to a balanced diet that corresponds to your constitution. Most people, for example, tolerate cooked or steamed foods better than raw vegetables.

Movement: The last pillar is movement. Perhaps you have already seen pictures of Beijing in the morning. At this time, people practicing tai chi, a type of gymnastic movement aimed at getting the qi moving in the morning and moving the muscles, gather in many squares. It doesn’t have to be tai chi, but can also be a brisk walk or a bike ride to work.


Exipure: Dietary Supplements In Winter

If you have a healthy diet, you don’t need to worry a lot about nutritional supplements, even in winter. But even then, one vitamin is required, which you should take through a dietary supplement at least in winter. If the diet is not always beneficial, you should take at least four other food supplements or groups of vital substances. You should take this with high-quality and holistic food supplements.


Exipure: Pills instead of vegetables in winter?

Exipure customer reviews

A healthy base-excess diet made from preferably fresh and local ingredients already provides plenty of nutrients and vital substances.

However, many people do not want to worry about perfect nutrition every day, especially not in winter when the cold makes you want something sweet and hearty. Others don’t like vegetables that much or think they don’t have time to prepare them.

In these cases, dietary supplements are actually an important and indispensable addition to the daily diet. This is why it is vital to read Exipure customer reviews.


A must in winter: Vitamin D and Exipure dietary supplement

You should consume vitamin D in winter at least if you are at home in moderate latitudes.

In winter, even when the sun is shining, the deep sun cannot lead to the urgently needed vitamin D formation in the skin.

Furthermore, since the vitamin D content in common foods is far too low to even come close to meeting the requirement, even the healthiest diet does not help very much here.


Vitamin C and Exipure dietary supplement in winter

Of course, you can eat vitamin C with fruits, salads and vegetables. If you are unsure whether you are getting enough vitamin C or if you are dealing with the flu again, then you should choose a natural vitamin C preparation made from a berry and fruit powder.

Leafy green vegetables and Exipure dietary supplement in winter

Green leafy vegetables are even less consumed in winter than in summer. The selection of green salads is shrinking and so is the desire for a fresh salad plate.

You need all the secondary plant substances in green leafy vegetables for your immune system and your performance in winter.

Therefore, whenever possible, you should use fresh greens. Lamb’s lettuce, Postelein, endive lettuce, rocket, spinach or sugar loaf are ideal.

Genu Valgum: Joints and Weather

Are you aware that some people’s joints can predict rain, thunderstorms and the like better than a weatherman? When the temperatures change, knees, hips and ankles cause particular problems. The change in temperature can affect people with genu valgum.Genu Valgum

What has long been anchored as a truism has now been proven by a Europe-wide study. Two-thirds of the 2942 participants with joint pain said that their symptoms were influenced by changing weather. Older southern Europeans in particular have “weather-sensitive” joints. Changing temperatures disturb the physical equilibrium and thus worsen arthritis, for example. Joint stiffness and pain increase during such weather periods. Exercise can help in advance.

Genu valgum: Joints are sensitive to hairdryers and rain

According to the study carried out at several European universities, those affected by arthritis, arthrosis or people who have “old” injuries to their joints, for example, healed bone fractures feel the changing weather as their symptoms worsen. The respondents filled out a pain calendar over a period of 2 weeks, where they noted when and in what weather the pain occurred more intensely.

More than two-thirds of the test persons proved to be sensitive to the weather. The sensation of pain due to the influence of weather is likely to be particularly widespread in southern regions of Europe. The respondents stated that changes in the weather situation are noticeable on their joints before they occur. The reason for this is fluctuations in air pressure in the atmosphere. These are joints that have already been damaged by injury or illness react sensitively to this.

Genu valgum: Movement alleviates discomfort

If you already know that your joints are sensitive to the weather, use moderate exercise to counteract joint stiffness, swelling and pain. The reason for this is that restraint often has the opposite effect and can intensify the symptoms. Gentle sports such as walking, swimming or riding on the ergometer are particularly suitable for ailing joints.

Genu valgum: Weather vs. air pressure

Strictly speaking, the weather is not to blame for painful joints. Rather it is the change in atmospheric pressure.

The air pressure is the weight of the air that presses on the earth. Just before bad weather sets in, the pressure in the atmosphere drops. The phenomenon is known from barometers. They forecast the weather development in the coming days based on the falling or rising pressure.

Chemists: Sustainable chemistry

The concept of sustainable chemistry aims to combine preventive environmental and health protection with an innovative economic strategy.  At the same time, it leads to more employment. Sustainable chemistry is a broad topic that players from science, business, authorities and environmental and consumer protection associations are facing. So, chemists in Ireland also face this.


Chemists: Detailed criteria for sustainable chemistry

Qualitative development: non-hazardous substances, or, where this is not possible, use substances that are less hazardous to humans and the environment and manufacture long-lasting products that conserve resources.

Quantitative development: reducing the consumption of resources that are as renewable as possible. Avoiding emissions or discharges of chemicals or pollutants into the environment or, where this is not possible, reducing them. These measures help to save costs.

Comprehensive life cycle assessment: Analysis of raw material extraction, production, further processing, application and disposal of chemicals and products in order to reduce the consumption of resources and energy and avoid hazardous substances.

Action instead of reaction: Avoid in advance that chemicals endanger the environment and human health during their life cycle and overuse the environment as a source and sink. Avoid damage costs and thus economic risks for companies and renovation costs for the state,

Economic innovation: More sustainable chemicals, products and production methods create trust among industrial users and private consumers. This thus opens up competitive advantages.

Avoid Hazardous Chemicals – Develop Safe Chemicals

One step towards greater safety is chemicals with less hazardous properties that can be handled with fewer risk mitigation measures. Chemicals no longer pose a risk as soon as you observe the basic rules of safe handling.

You must restrict particularly dangerous substances or even prohibit their use. These are, for example, carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic to reproduction substances, or substances that are particularly critical for the environment. They are long-lived and capable of accumulating.

From an environmental point of view, sustainable chemicals must not cause any short- or long-term problems after they are released into the environment. For the environment, ⁠ it means sustainability⁠ of chemicals that are not persistent.

You can consider chemicals sustainable if they do not have any hazardous properties. This means that they neither have known harmful effects nor remain in the environment for so long that previously unknown harmful effects can become a problem.

The Importance of Factoring in Weather and Climate Conditions in Our Skincare Routine

Our skin is our protection against environmental elements that act on our physiology and biological functions, through varying weather or climate conditions. In the course of a single day, gaseous elements would make the world we live in hot or cold, dry, humid or windy. While we wear clothes as protection or provide relief for our body, we tend to overlook the need to adjust our skin care regimen if the daily weather is actually a climate condition.

Understanding the Difference between Weather and Climate Conditions

Weather is different from climate as it refers to the atmospheric occurrence during the day, in which gaseous elements work in combination with the current temperature, level of humidity, wind strength and the type of precipitation that falls on the ground.

Now if that day-to-day state of weather in a specific location prolongs as the normal circumstance, including extreme occurrences, such state is a climate condition . Statistically weather data usually for a period of 30 years provide the basis for determining the climate condition of a geographical location.

Average skin care routines do not necessarily take into account how weather or climate evolves. All the information we need is about the level of protection that our skin needs to keep it healthy and hydrated amidst the presence of UV rays and environmental pollutants. That way, it reduces the impact of extreme weather occurrences such as a cold snap (polar vortex) or a heat wave.

Being aware of the skin Issues that stem from actual climate conditions can go a long way in dealing with the elements that impact our overall skin health.

How Cold Temperatures Affect Our Skin Care Routine

When the weather is cold our skin becomes dry as the cold temperatures dry out the pores. This can easily cause skin irritation but can be remedied by using additional moisturizer to keep the skin hydrated. Otherwise, the dryness could cause our skin to crack and itch, making it rough to the touch.


Yet simply adjusting our moisturizing routine is not advisable as too much oil can lead to skin blemishes or acne. Consulting with a dermatologist about the right moisturizing agent for our type of skin is the best skincare practice.

How Overly Warm Temperatures Affect Our Skin Care Routine

Warm temperatures aren’t likely to dry out the skin unless we expose our skin excessively to the harmful rays of the sun that develop into sunburn. Still, overly warm temperatures are accompanied by increased levels of humidity that make our skin oily and susceptible to pore clogging.

The use of a cleanser during warmer seasons help rid the skin of the oil, sweat and dirt that build-up in skin pores. However, in order tp prevent issues like acne breakouts or skin irritations it would be best to consult with a dermatologist instead of going through a trial and error routine. Applying a wrong agent, especially if chemically formulated could aggravate the impact of prolonged dry and humid weather.

Nowadays, it is common for dermatologists to have their own line of private label skin care products, which customers may choose to use as alternatives to their current skin care brands. After all, the fact that the derma clinic is using its business name as product brand, indicates that the formulations are consistent with what their dermatologists recommend as appropriate skin care solution amidst the weather and climate conditions in their location.

Can Weather Affect Erectile Dysfunction

Doctors claim that the cause of erectile dysfunction is different from one sufferer to another.  Besides physical complaints, the psyche also plays a role in this.

Possible causes of erectile dysfunction

Herniated disc

In the case of a herniated disc, the inner gelatinous core of the intervertebral discs emerges as a result of wear and tear and presses on the surrounding nerves. If nerves are affected that conduct stimuli to the penis, this can lead to erectile dysfunction. Products in can come into play as a remedy for some sufferers

Hormone disorders

When it comes to erection, the man’s hormone level is of great importance. The male sex hormone testosterone in particular plays an important role. As a man gets older, his testosterone levels drop naturally. Erectile dysfunction can be the result.

Drugs as a trigger for impotence

If erectile dysfunction occurs suddenly, you may relate this to medication. Agents that are used against cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure, for example, also affect the blood flow to the penis. Psychotropic drugs for depression can block nerve impulses. Drugs that have an influence on hormonal balance can also trigger impotence under certain circumstances.

Psychological causes

Stress at work, conflicts in a partnership, depression are possible causes of erectile dysfunction that often occur in younger men. Once it has happened, the pressure also increases. Fear of failure during the next sexual intercourse can consolidate erectile dysfunction.

Cardiovascular diseases

Many cardiovascular diseases affect blood circulation. Atherosclerosis, also known as the hardening of the arteries, can also trigger erectile dysfunction, for example. High blood pressure and coronary heart disease can be the causes of impotence.

Alcohol and smoking

You can relate erectile dysfunction to lifestyle. Factors such as excessive alcohol consumption, smoking or a lack of exercise stress the blood vessels. As a result, potency problems are not uncommon. Smoking can also trigger peripheral arterial occlusive disease which disrupts blood flow in the arteries.

Furthermore, excessively high blood lipid levels, for example, due to being overweight, can have a negative effect on potency.

Diseased nervous system

For an erection not only must the blood flow be ensured, but the nerve signals from the brain must also be correct. Thus, people may not infrequently associate neurological diseases with erectile dysfunction.

The cause for this can be that the diseased nervous system can no longer send the necessary signals to the sexual organs. If you have a stroke, multiple sclerosis, or Parkinson’s, there is a risk of erectile dysfunction.

Chiropractor: Cold Weather & Joint Pain

Autumn is definitely the season of rains, strong winds, rapidly falling temperatures. Some people associate joint pain with these meteorological phenomena.

People with rheumatism feel the weather change and often “predict” the times when it will rain or temperature changes due to joint pain associated with it. On the other hand, chiropractor Dr Becker can help with joint pain treatments.


Chiropractor and weather: Rheumatic pain has multiple causes

Rheumatism is most often identified with acute pain in the joints of the lower and upper limbs. Although the general manifestations are similar regardless of the factors that trigger it, the causes of rheumatism are multiple. Specialists have divided diseases of this type into six broad categories.

One of the typologies is represented by infectious rheumatisms, caused by a microbe that has penetrated the joints.

The second category includes inflammatory rheumatism, caused by an immune reaction of the body to certain intestinal problems that cause inflammation of the joints.

The third category includes microcrystalline rheumatism, which occurs due to the presence of uric acid crystals in the perimeter of tendons or joints. The cold promotes the crystallization of uric acid, thus leading to inflammation in the arteries and painful episodes.

Wear and degeneration of the joints, as well as prolonged physical exertion, are factors that give rise to degenerative rheumatism. The last two categories include periarticular inflammatory diseases, respectively haematological or tumour diseases.

Chiropractor: Why rheumatism gets worse with the change of weather

The drop in temperatures and the humidity left behind by the rains are usually accompanied, in rheumatism, by the appearance of joint pains.

The reasons why joint pain increases in intensity when the weather is unfavourable are not known exactly. But research that has addressed this topic has identified a correlation between this and atmospheric pressure.

The joints affected by rheumatism produce excess fluid, to the detriment of the cartilaginous tissue that would prevent their friction and erosion. And the joint becomes swollen and hot, this being an inflammatory response.

Therefore, higher pressure values ​​are more difficult to cushion by a problematic joint than by a joint in which there is a balance between cartilaginous tissue and joint fluid.

Another possible cause of joint pain with the cooling of the weather is the contraction of blood vessels. This further leads to the contraction of muscles and joints. It is a factor favoring the intensification of pain.

Cold Weather, Brown Fat And Weight Loss – How Brown Adipose Tissue Aid In Weight Loss: Geeks Health.com

“This will be the year I lose weight!”

Sounds familiar? Year after year, millions of people around the globe make that as their New Year’s resolution. However, frequently, by the end of the first month, that personal goal has gone down the drain. More often than not, the reason for this is that people find losing weight difficult.

For sure, anyone trying to lose weight is familiar with the basics of weight loss: eat less, move more. A balanced nutrition and healthy eating habits, avoiding if not limiting consumption of alcohol and maintaining an active lifestyle are fundamental to weight loss. Moreover, the concept of calorie in against calorie out will aid in effectively shedding the pounds.

Brown Fat and Weight Loss

When it comes to weight loss, many want immediate results which is why they search for weight loss products that would effectively burn unwanted fats and see fast results.

Exipure is one of the recent product for weight loss in the market today that is quickly becoming one of the most popular. Many users have claimed to have shed of weight within a few days after taking the capsules. We have looked into the product and have created a comprehensive review about it, which you should to check out to learn much more about the product.

What separates Exipure from other weight loss products is that its formulation is designed to burn fats in a different approach. Its propriety blend of eight natural plant and herb extracts work together to aim at the root cause of weight gain – low levels of brown adipose tissue.

Brown adipose tissue (BAT), better known as brown fat, is one of the two kinds of fat found in humans and other mammals. Its major function is to convert food into body heat to maintain temperature in the body during cold conditions. In order to produce heat, BAT burns calories. Hence, there is an increasing number of studies that analyze the effects of BAT in dieting and weight loss. Results show that low BAT levels is a factor that overweight people have. By increasing brown fat levels in the body, losing weight may be possible and easy.

This is what makes Exipure effective and different from others. The capsules aid in weight loss by increasing brown adipose tissue levels in the user’s body, which in turn burn fats for heat. Moreover, the capsules also help improve the user’s metabolic rate which also contributes to weight loss. Because of this, weight loss is effective and where results are fast. More information on Geeks Health.com.

Can Cold Weather Aid In Weight Loss?

Losing weight is something that many find difficult. The task is made even more tough and challenging when the temperature drops. In several ways, the cold weather affects the process as well as our efforts to lose weight.

When the weather is cold, we tend to be less active, consumer less water, for comfort turn to processed and junk foods, and get less Vitamin D because of diminished sunlight. Along with our metabolism slowing down, all of these make it more difficult for us to drop the pounds as well as keep a healthy weight. This is perhaps the reason why a lot of people gain some weight during the winter season.

However, there is a theory that is somewhat strange. It indicates that being exposed to cold can aid in weight loss. According to the theory, the cold activates brown fat in the body which acts as a calorie-burning furnace to generate as well as maintain heat in the body. When calories are burned, weight loss may happen. Hence, shifting our approach to weight loss is what we need to do when there is a change in weather or season so as to lose weight and remain on track. Increasing brown fat level in our body is one, which Exipure is formulated to do.

Newborns have plenty of brown fat deposits, around 5% of their body weight. As they are vulnerable to the cold, their brown fat level protects them from catching hypothermia. As we age, brown fat levels in our body decreases and stubborn white fat (white adipose tissue) accumulates. This is seen in our abdominal area.

How the weather affects our health


The weather plays an important role in our daily life. When planning our weekend or taking a walk in nature, we always have to take the weather into account. We are all aware of this. However, very few of us notice that the weather also has a significant influence on our well-being and can even trigger illness. This phenomenon is called a bioclimate.


The climate has a direct influence on our well-being and our health. No matter how different people are, these effects can be perceived differently by individual people. For example, if you have a pre-existing condition such as asthma or an autoimmune disease such as rheumatism, the consequences of the weather situation may be greater. Rheumatism is a disease of the joints and the musculoskeletal system. Musculoskeletal disorders are among the most common reasons for disability with 20.33%. If the work disability occurs as a result of a permanent or temporary illness such as rheumatism, there is a risk of financial dependency.


1. Temperature: If the air temperature drops, cold stimuli arise in the human body. Rheumatic complaints and existing arthritis can be worse in cold spells. Heat, on the other hand, alleviates the suffering of chronic rheumatic diseases. Extreme cold also ensures that the lungs’ ability to cleanse itself is diminished, which can lead to pneumonia and also promote colds. Low temperatures alter our immune system, as they constrict the blood vessels of the mucous membranes and impair blood circulation. Consequence: We get sick faster.
2. Humidity: Low humidity affects our upper respiratory tract and leads to infections, while higher humidity can aggravate the rheumatic disease.
3. Air pressure: Strong fluctuations in air pressure affect our cardiovascular system and promote high blood pressure.
4. Wind: a strong wind causes headaches and often increases rheumatic complaints.


But there is also good news: the weather can also have a positive effect on our health and have healing powers. The following climate strengthens our immune system and promotes our well-being:
– Constant and constant temperature and humidity
– The sun (which supplies vitamin D to our body) creates shade
– Marine climate
– High mountain climate

The strong presence of negative ions in the air. It should be clear to everyone that the weather is a very present issue in our daily lives. How much the weather affects our health may have surprised one reader or another. In the future, it is advisable not only to check the general weather forecast for a planned walk in the forest but also to consider the biological climate so that patients with previous illnesses in particular can take appropriate precautions. You can find out more about this on the official website of the LAC Healthcare Solutions Wholesale Medical Supplies.

Coffee And Climate Change: Geeks Health

Without an aromatic cup in the morning, the day will only slowly get going. But coffee has a dark side. Coffee production, transport, rubbish of coffee capsules and the like do not leave the environment untouched.


The ecological balance of Java burn: Climate change hits coffee hard

Whether fair trade coffee or conventional cultivation, the coffee plant not only needs a special climate to grow, but also plenty of water.

Around 21,000 liters of water are used to produce 1 kilogram of roasted coffee. Converted to the cup, that makes more than 140 liters!

Climate change brings more heat and droughts. This will change coffee production enormously. Brazil, one of the largest coffee producers in the world, is expecting 80 percent of its acreage to be lost. Primeval forest is already being cleared for new plantations, and fertilizers and pesticides are also used.

In addition, the transport routes are long. Geeks Health Coffee production, transport and preparation all make a big difference – added up, each cup of coffee produces 50 to 100 grams of CO2. There is also a lack of wages and social standards. In conventional coffee production, around five cents per cup go to the farmers. Most of the money you pay for your favorite coffee is left with transporters, roasters and dealers. Only with certified fair trade coffee does it look better in terms of wages and social standards.


Coffee Consumption and Climate Change: The Garbage Problem

Coffee filters and cellulose pads are biodegradable and rot in organic waste or on compost. But more and more people are reaching for coffee capsules. Coffee capsules are usually made of aluminum, less often of plastic. It is difficult to quantify how many capsules end up in the residual waste where they are guaranteed to be incinerated.

In any case, only completely emptied coffee capsules that are disposed of in the yellow bin have any chance of being recycled. New aluminum is used again for new coffee capsules. Aluminum is very energy-intensive to manufacture. 14 kilowatt hours of electricity are used per kilogram of aluminum and 8 kilograms of CO2 are emitted. It’s not really sustainable, even if the capsules contain fair trade coffee.

Geeks Health: Drink environmentally conscious coffee

Change your buying behavior and pay attention to fair trade coffee. Choose organic and from sustainable cultivation and little packaging. This can help the environment. Therefore, do not buy coffee capsules if possible. Only brew as much water and coffee as needed. Whether in a pot or a cup, drink up the amount brewed as much as possible. Pro tip: Freeze leftover coffee in an ice cube tray and use it later for iced coffee and smoothies.

Climate Change Effects Make Annual Eye Checkups More Important Than Ever

Many of us see an optometrist only when feel there’s something wrong with our vision, not thinking that some environmental elements can affect our eyes. Actually, in as early as 2003, the World Health Organization (WHO) published a report that included warnings about the potential effects of climate change on our eyes.

The report tells of how increased ultra violet rays, (UVR), air pollution, polluted water and low oxygen levels can become causes of certain eye disorders. Although such elements gradually take effect, it’s high time we heed the advice of health experts about seeing an eye doctor at least once a year.

An optometrist not only does eye examination to check on your vision acuity. This eye doctor also takes note of any early signs of common eye disorders like cataract, glaucoma and macular degeneration.

Actually, through eye examinations, an optometrist can detect early symptoms of health disorders like high blood pressure, diabetes and even cancerous or benign tumors that could be affecting not only the eyes but the brain as well. Although an optometrist will not administer the treatment, he or she will endorse the care of the patient to an appropriate doctor like an ophthalmologist or doctor of internal medicine (internist).

Still, some people, especially in underserved communities, hesitate to visit doctors for annual checkups for the simple reason that they cannot afford to pay the fees and medications.

Apparently, these people are not aware that there are community health centers that can provide them the primary health care they need, at low or no cost at all. The state of Florida for one has health centers spread across urban and rural communities identified as underserved areas.

Those in the underserved sectors of Orlando for one, seek the services of an optometrist orlando community health centers provide to make eye care available for everyone regardless of their financial capability.
In the meantime, it would be best to know how the effects of climate change can adversely affect our eyes. That way, you’ll have an idea of what to to do and avoid to protect your eyes

Eye Diseases Caused by Increased Levels of Exposure to UVR

According to a WHO report in 2003, increased exposure to UVR can prompt eye disorders from developing. Eye disorders including sunburn on the eye, inflammation of cornea and the conjunctiva, solar retinopathy, cataracts, growth of the mucous membrane that covers the white of the eye, and macular degeneration among many others.

Contaminated Water Can Directly Affect the Eyes

Climate change can also affect our water quality negatively, which can damage our eyes due to various bacterial infection. An example of this is trachoma, which is a bacterial infection that commonly causes blindness. It actually spreads very easily, particularly to areas who are experiencing scarcity of clean water.

Air Pollution and Its Potential Effect on the Eyes

Being exposed to air pollution associated to traffic denotes that we are also exposed to carbon monoxide and ambient nitrogen dioxide regularly. These aforementioned gases can multiply our risk in getting age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

Is it True that Women’s Period has Direct Relation with Climate and Seasonal Changes?

Believe it or not, women’s menstrual cycle can be affected depending on the season. Not just that, it could create a totally different experience based on the season that it is in. Women are going through a lot of things to reach adulthood. From acne, sudden hair growth, physical changes and a lot more are just a few examples.

However, the most significant among these changes that women undergo is getting their period. These are indeed tough days and many women have formulated their own strategies to overcome it. Some for instance may be taking vitamins, drinking tea or even taking steroids Canada or whatever works.

Seasonal and Climate Change

Changes in climate and season can affect so many things in your body from your mood, metabolism and of course, period. Indeed, the latter hurts in varying degrees throughout different seasons but it can sometimes last shorter or longer with the changing seasons.

According to research, lack of sunshine might change the length of period. It’s been shown that ovarian activity is a lot higher during summer compared to winter. This is because of the reason that the prevalence of sunshine prior ovulation. Sunshine actually helps the body to have an increased secretion of follicle stimulating hormone or FHS. This is a type of hormone that is regulating the body’s reproductive function.

Length of Period based on the Season

With the newfound information acquired, we can safely say that women are less likely to ovulate during winter. This would then result to a longer menstrual cycle in comparison to the summer season. There are so many things that could mess up your periods from traveling, stress and a lot of other external factors.

Assuming that you are living in a place with climates that go through seasonal changes, then there is a big possibility that your period’s cycle will undergo adjustments every now and then.

Your Lifestyle

We should take into account as well that your period can be affected as well based on changes in your lifestyle. Sometimes, doctors are using this as a determining factor why you are experiencing certain conditions when you are on your period.

Consequently, periods might change because of your behavioral shifts. Some things that are associated with colder months such as eating foods high in sugar and fat or exercising can be a factor. These types of changes in your lifestyle might all contribute to increasing the pain you experience during that time of the month or any PMS symptoms such as acne, bloating, headaches, moodiness and headaches.