The Need for Dental Clinics to Shift to Sustainable Dental Practice and Procedures
Going green in dentistry is not just a trend or fad, as businesses have to shift to sustainable methods to make the planet more livable for future generations. A few think of it as an impossible task because there are too many requirements to be considered as green; let alone be certified as one.
Sustainability is a must in order for future generations to still have enough natural resources to support the ecosystems that make the planet sustainably livable. Generally and globally however, there is still no concrete plan on how sustainability should be implemented in dental offices and oral health clinics.
Understanding the Significance of Green Dentistry to the Climate Change Movement
Various industries play significant roles in helping prevent the worsening effects of climate change. Everyone must cooperate to reverse the damage caused by the long-term collective exploitation of the planet. The FDI World Dental Federation has been encouraging dental professionals to recognize their ethical responsibility to reduce the carbon footprint and wastes being contributed by their profession.
When looking at the dental industry’s statistics regarding carbon footprint, most of it pertains to the travels made by patients and staff, to and from the clinic. In England, more than 60% of dental carbon footprint is because of travel, while energy consumption comes next by 14% to 21%, and procurement comes last at 19%. A Scotland-based study discovered that staff and patient travel going back and forth to dental offices contribute 45.1% of CO2 emissions.
A Closer Look at Western Australia’s Shift to Green Dentistry
In Western Australia, only a few dentists in Perth have started applying methods and practices that shift to green dentistry. Also known as eco-dentistry, the practice is expected to benefits both the Western Australian environment and dental patients. Yet as of now, there is still no official governing body in charge of certifying whether the green dental clinics truly meet eco-friendly standards.
AU Dental Association sustainability spokesperson Prof. Neil Hewson recommended that clinics self-regulate but refer to resources provided by their respective local associations.
About Western Australia’s Green Dentistry
Green dentistry utilizes modern technology in reducing the negative impact of dentistry on the environment. The approach is based on a service model that supports and aids the patient’s wellness. Especially since it assists in providing non-toxic options for materials used on dental implants western Australia offer as top dental services.
Eco-dentists in Perth have already transitioned to digital technology, which means all information regarding their patients are stored in computers. Moreover, dental clinics are trying to recycle whatever they can in their practice.
Most important of all are the products that produce mercury wastes. There are procedures amalgam segregators that will ensure such wastes will not become wastewater runoffs that will spread to the nearby sources of potable water.
Green dentistry makes sure that every process is modified to make sure every aspect of the dental treatments and procedures will have have the lowest possible environmental impact.
There are a lot of ways to contribute in sustainability no matter how small it is. In fact, starting small is a great way to initiate changes that aim to achieve long-term shift to practices that would result to a better and greener planet.